Speaking of the little things: what I’m thankful for post-surgery

  1. My giant Turvis tumbler that my mom gave me for Christmas – helps a lot when I need to drink lots of water
  2. Aeropostale warmup pants that I bought for $10 (@70nok) back in Virginia – comfy, stretchy pants are a must right now
  3. Good food – Zack has really done a fantastic job of keeping me well-fed and well-hydrated
  4. And not just food. Zack has been fantastic with everything – I haven’t had to lift a finger or worry about the things I normally take care of
  5. No nausea – this is huge. The last time I had surgery, I dealt with bad nausea afterwards. But none at all this time!
  6. Emails, SMS, texts, iMessages, Facebook messages, visits, gifts, and phone calls from family and friends – it means so much!
  7. Two helpful sons – packing their own lunches for school (yeah, that might continue long term!), walking to the bus in the snow each morning so Zack can stay with me, and looking for other ways to help around the house
  8. Good books – lots of good reading material to keep me busy
  9. NetFlix – sometimes you just need to watch old movies and TV shows
  10. Baby steps – Thursday was definitely my worst day this week. But each day I’m seeing small improvements. I’m now able to sit up from a laying down position (that is by far the most difficult task), stand up almost totally straight, walk around for more than 2 minutes at a time, shower, and stay awake all day!


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