Kaffetur 12 / Coffee Tour #12: Vespa, Warsaw

Another stop in Warsaw, this time at a shop called Vespa.

Vespa’s decor definitely gives off a 1960’s vibe. The palette has a heavy emphasis on orange, with fun lighting hanging from very high ceilings.


The service area was well organized and quite typical of the going cafe trends. Chalkboard menu, a selection of baked good, and the other usual paraphernalia.


The service itself was not spectacular. But the barista’s English was limited and I only know a handful of words in Polish, so that is probably the reason why. I was disappointed when I tried to order an advertised drink, and was told they didn’t serve it anymore. But the coffee we did order was a pour-over, and it was a good cup of coffee. Definitely better than a typical coffee chain cup of coffee.

The location was a bit odd – not really close to any other places we were visiting, but also not terribly far from an underground station.


For more info on Vespa, visit https://m.facebook.com/vespacaffe?refsrc=https%3A%2F%2Fpl-pl.facebook.com%2Fvespacaffe

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